Construction Timesheet Software

Customize Your Leave Policy

Configure paid and sick leave policies for your workforce

How it works?

Submit, track, and approve leave requests in just a few clicks.
Robust approval workflow

Configure multi-level approval processes for seamless time-off management.

Custom PTO policy

Select unlimited or limited PTO, set accrual rates, and establish approval caps.

Comprehensive sick leave policy

Allocate sick days and choose the right plan for your workforce.

Keep your team running smoothly

Discover more with Lumber’s Construction Timesheet App

Leave Calendar
Visualize your team's availability. Access a centralized leave calendar. Filter by team or by week.
Stay informed about team absences. View leave schedules for each team for better planning.
Plan around holidays with ease. View upcoming holidays color-coded by the union name.
Stay updated on holiday schedules. Access a centralized holiday calendar.
Instant Notifications
Keep employees informed. Send real-time leave request updates.
Enhance communication. Provide instant notifications for leave status.
Optimize your workforce with streamlined time-off management
Let your team enjoy well-deserved time off with ease.
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