Fast-Track Job Applications with Easy Apply

Attract top talent by offering a smooth and efficient application experience.

How it works?

Submit job applications in seconds.
One-Time Profile Setup

Save your profile information for faster future applications.

Engage with Recruiter

Get in touch with recruiters for seamless communication and real-time updates.

Scan Documents and Auto-Fill

Automatically extract and populate information from scanned documents.

Easy apply is a win-win for both employers and candidates!
Make it easy for candidates to apply
Watch your application rates soar
Streamlined Application Process
Save time and reduce effort by using pre-filled profiles and auto-filled forms, making the application process quick and hassle-free.
Quick Document Upload
Automatically extract and fill in information from scanned documents
Enhanced Candidate Experience
Simplify the application experience with easy document uploads and seamless integration, leading to higher satisfaction.
Better Job Matching
Match your saved profile to suitable job openings, increasing the likelihood of finding the right fit.
Real-Time Updates
Stay informed with notifications and status updates on the application
Direct Communication
Easily communicate with recruiters through the app, facilitating a smooth and transparent line of interaction.
Get started
Attract More Candidates for Better Matches
Post your jobs on Lumber today.
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