Timesheet Analysis

In-depth Project Insights with Detailed Reports

Access detailed reports on management, mileage, injuries, breaks, and projects.

How it works?

Generate comprehensive reports on labor hours, breaks, geo-fences, injuries, mileage, overtime, etc.
Weekly Reports

Evaluate weekly labor hours, overtime, and DOT compliance.

Daily Reports

Analyze daily workforce performance with key metrics.

Worker Productivity Analysis

Track worker performance with detailed metrics.

Unleash the power of your data with Lumber’s Construction Timesheet App
Lumber Time Tracking offers robust reporting capabilities to help you uncover valuable insights and make data-driven decisions.
Customizable Reports
Create tailored reports to match your specific needs. Filter data by project, employee, date range, and more.
Export Flexibility
Easily export reports in various formats (.pdf, .xlsx, .csv) for further analysis or sharing.
Visualize Your Data
Gain deeper insights with interactive charts and graphs. Identify trends, outliers, and opportunities for improvement.
Data Granularity
Drill down into specific details to uncover hidden patterns and trends.
Get started
Uncover actionable insights with powerful reporting
Empower your team with the data you need to build smarter.
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