Construction Payroll Software

Accurate AI-Powered Construction Payroll

Experience payroll automation at its best. Calculate wages, taxes, and overtime across all 50 states. Process payroll in minutes, including complex calculations.
Experience Payroll Efficiency

Process your weekly payroll within 
30 minutes!

Integrated with Time Tracking

Seamlessly sync time tracking data for accurate calculations.

Accelerate your payroll with AI

Lumber's advanced engine handles complex calculations with precision.

Make secure payments

Pay your workforce securely and on-time through the Lumber app.

Let us show you how easy it is!
What Lumber users say

Hear from contractors using 
Lumber Payroll

With LumberFi, we receive excellent service at an affordable cost and more importantly, we know that all of the components of our payroll will be handled correctly. LumberFi is responsive, friendly, and knowledgeable. It is reassuring to know that the answer to ANY question is only a phone call away. Challenges that our company experiences with payroll issues from time to time are resolved immediately with their knowledgeable, caring, and courteous staff.
— Carla Molina
Head of Finance, OnTap Trade
Lumber is the only payroll I rely on for the construction industry.  It is the only payroll system built around the construction industry.  They will customize the payroll application to the client needs.  The implementation is seamless, quick and integrates with most construction software and non-construction software like QuickBooks.
— Aaron Mills
Co-Founder & CEO, DAAXIT

Why is Lumber the best payroll software for construction companies?

Unlock the full potential of your payroll with Lumber.

Always Compliant

Estimate project costs and make accurate bids.

Payroll Servicing

Receive unlimited support from Lumber Payroll experts.

Flexible Payment

Process payroll flexibly, including off-cycle payroll for contract workers, reimbursements, and bonus payments.

Real-time Job Costing

Monitor labor costs in real time and adjust projects accordingly.

Need help with your construction payroll?

Helpful guides & resources

Certified Payroll Requirements: What Contractors Need to Know

Payroll Audit Checklist: Best Practices for Conducting a Payroll Audit

Certified Payroll: A Guide for Contractors

Integrated with Lumber HR & Recruitment

Elevate your hiring and streamline your workforce with Lumber HR & Recruitment

Seamless Transition

Streamline the transition from applicant to employee with a unified platform.

Enhanced Communication

Maintain consistent communication throughout the hiring and onboarding process.

Employee Self-Service

Empower employees with self-service options for accessing information and completing tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about Lumber Payroll
What’s different about Lumber Payroll and why should I start using it?
Lumber Payroll is custom-built for the construction industry. From calculating precise wages to paying the workforce, Lumber Payroll supports end-to-end process, unlike other payroll applications in the market.
How is construction payroll different from regular payroll?
Construction payroll involves unique challenges such as handling varying job locations, multiple job roles, prevailing wage rates, union requirements, and complex tax implications specific to the construction industry.
What are prevailing wage rates?
Prevailing wage rates are predetermined hourly wages set by government agencies for various construction job roles in a specific geographical area. Contractors and subcontractors are required to pay these rates on government-funded construction projects.
What is certified payroll?
Certified payroll is a detailed report submitted by contractors and subcontractors on government-funded projects. It provides information about employee wages, hours worked, job classifications, and other relevant data to ensure compliance with prevailing wage laws.
How do construction companies handle overtime pay?
Overtime pay is typically calculated as 1.5 times the regular hourly wage for hours worked beyond a standard 40-hour workweek. Some jurisdictions might have different rules, so it's important to be aware of local labor laws.
What is a union payroll?
A union payroll pertains to construction workers who are part of a labor union. Union contracts often have specific pay rates, benefits, and deductions that need to be accurately managed and processed.
How do I account for deductions in construction payroll?
Deductions in construction payroll can include taxes, insurance premiums, retirement contributions, union dues, and other benefits. These deductions need to be accurately calculated and withheld from employees' wages.
How do I ensure compliance with tax regulations?
It’s important to stay informed about federal, state, and local tax regulations that pertain to the construction industry. Consulting with tax professionals or using specialized payroll software can help ensure accurate tax calculations and reporting.
How do I handle payroll for subcontractors?
When working with subcontractors, it's important to have clear agreements in place regarding payment terms. Some companies choose to handle subcontractor payments separately, while others integrate them into their overall payroll process.
What records should I maintain for the construction payroll?
You will need to maintain records of employee information, time and attendance records, wage rates, deductions, benefits, tax forms, and certified payroll reports for auditing and compliance purposes.
What happens if I make mistakes in processing payroll?
Payroll mistakes can lead to legal and financial consequences. It's essential to rectify errors promptly and work with legal or accounting professionals if necessary. You can also use construction payroll applications like Lumber to ensure error-free calculations in payments and taxes.
Does Lumber Payroll integrate with time tracking applications?
Yes, Lumber Payroll can be integrated with Lumber’s Time Tracking or any other third-party application also.
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