Oleg Pravdin
Oct 25, 2023

Davis Bacon Act for Contractors: A Comprehensive Guide

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The amendments to the Davis Bacon Act regulations became effective on October 23, 2023. For the construction industry, this Act is a game changer for many reasons, as the repercussions and implications of its rules are significant. 

This comprehensive article delves into the Act's historical origins, modern-day impact, and ongoing debates. 

Overview of the Davis Bacon Act 

The Davis-Bacon Act was conceived to protect workers and contractors during the tumultuous 30's depression in the US. With high unemployment and widespread poverty, the government took various measures to stimulate economic recovery. 

History and Background of the Davis Bacon Act 

The Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) is a federal law in the United States that sets labor standards for construction workers employed on federally funded or federally assisted construction projects. Congress has since extended the DBA requirements to almost eighty laws or Related Acts.

The DBA was initiated by two Republican lawmakers, Senator James J. Davis of Pennsylvania, a former Secretary of Labor, and Congressman Robert L. Bacon of New York. The duo crafted the legislation in response to a crisis when a contractor from Alabama won the bid to build a Veterans' Bureau hospital in Bacon's district in Long Island, New York, and employed low-wage labor from the South, which caused a substantial upheaval in the local economy and outraged the local construction workers. This incident marked the birth of the Davis Bacon Act as we know it today.

Enacted in 1931 during the Great Depression, the primary purpose of the Davis-Bacon Act was to ensure that workers on these projects were paid fair wages. In 1964, Congress amended the Davis-Bacon Act to include fringe benefits.

Initially, the Department of Labor (DOL) employed a 30% rule to establish prevailing wages and benefits for workers. If there was no wage rate paid to at least 50% of workers, the standard rate was determined by the wage paid to at least 30% of the workers. And if this information was not available, a weighted average of the wage rate was employed as the basis.

In 1983, the Reagan administration discontinued the 30% rule in response to criticisms surrounding the high Davis-Bacon wage rates. Instead, if there was no wage rate paid to at least 50% of workers, then the weighted average wage rate for a given geographic area was adopted.

The most recent changes to this regulation, effective October 23, 2023, reintroduced the 30% rule. This reintroduction has brought uncertainty and confusion within the industry regarding the rule's implementation.

Davis Bacon Wage Determinations

Key provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act include -

Prevailing Wage Rates

Contractors and subcontractors working on covered projects must pay their workers the "prevailing wage," which is determined based on the wages and benefits typically paid to workers in the same locality for similar construction work. 

Prevailing wage is a key concept for the Davis Bacon Act. It is essentially the hourly wage, benefits, and overtime that contractors and subcontractors must pay their workers for any construction, alteration, or repair work done on federally funded contracts exceeding $2,000. This wage is determined by the Department of Labor, ensuring that contractors pay their workers at rates comparable to those received by others in the same geographical region. 

Fringe Benefits

Besides the prevailing wage, contractors are required to provide fringe benefits such as health insurance, retirement benefits, and paid leave or pay the cash equivalent.

Compliance and Enforcement

Contractors must submit weekly certified payroll reports, and non-compliance can result in penalties and potential disqualification from future federal contracts.


The Davis-Bacon Act applies to construction contracts exceeding $2,000 that are funded in whole or in part by the federal government. This includes projects like highways, bridges, schools, and public housing.

The Davis-Bacon Act is seen as a means to protect the livelihood of construction workers, prevent unfair wage competition, and maintain the quality of construction on federally funded projects. It has been the subject of debate and discussion over the years, with some arguing that it can increase construction costs, while others believe it is essential to maintain fair labor standards and ensure that federal dollars benefit both workers and the communities where these projects are undertaken.

It aimed to prevent labor exploitation by setting wage standards and work conditions on federally funded construction projects. Specifically, it required that laborers be paid "prevailing wages" for their locality, which the Department of Labor determines through surveys.

Who is not covered in Davis Bacon Act?

The Davis-Bacon Act covers laborers and mechanics, which includes helpers, apprentices, and if the contract is subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, watchpersons or guards. It excludes bona fide executive, administrative, and professional employees.

Additionally, certain classifications are not covered:
1. Architects
2. Engineers
3. Timekeepers
4. Forepersons (except when they spend more than 20% of their time performing the duties of a laborer or mechanic) 
5. Workers performing exploratory drilling services
6. Railroad employees
7. Public utility employees
8. Inspectors at contracting agencies
9. Public agency employees on a force account basis
10. Contractor Quality Assurance Inspectors
11. Material suppliers
12. Owner-operators of trucks must report their work on certified payroll as "owner-operators" without detailing hours or pay rates.

The Pillars of the Davis-Bacon Act

Davis Bacon Act

The Davis-Bacon Act's main provisions include -

Prevailing Wage Requirements

The heart of the Davis-Bacon Act lies in its prevailing wage provisions. Contractors and subcontractors working on federal projects must pay their workers the prevailing wages and fringe benefits for similar work in the same locality. This ensures that employees are compensated fairly, preventing a race-to-the-bottom scenario where contractors hire cheap labor to undercut competitors.

The prevailing wage rates are established by the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor and are based on data collected from localities. The data set they use includes wages paid in both union and non-union sectors, ensuring that the prevailing wage isn't skewed to favor any type of construction firm. In addition, the Department of Labor considers the type of construction involved and the specific classification of workers when determining the prevailing wage.

Apprenticeship Programs

To maintain high work quality and safety standards, the Davis-Bacon Act encourages the use of registered apprenticeship programs. These programs help ensure that construction workers receive proper training and are equipped with the skills needed to perform their tasks safely and efficiently.

Work Hours and Conditions

The Act establishes regulations regarding work hours, overtime, and work conditions on federally funded projects. This includes requirements for providing safety equipment and adherence to occupational safety and health standards.

What are the penalties for non-compliance with the Davis Bacon Act?

Non-compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act can result in significant financial consequences. The government may pursue legal action in cases involving falsified certified payroll records or the acceptance of wage kickbacks. Consequences for Davis-Bacon violations encompass fines and the possibility of imprisonment. Contractors or subcontractors found to have “disregarded their obligations” under the Davis-Bacon Act may face debarment, prohibiting them from bidding on government contracts for three years. In addition, contract payments may be held back to cover unpaid wages and liquidated damages resulting from violations of the DBA and Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (CWHSSA) related to overtime. The amended DBA regulations now permit the government to withhold contract funds otherwise due to the prime contractor on other projects, even if those projects are with a different agency. And the regulations now define “prime contractor” to include controlling shareholders, members, or joint venturers. 

Reporting and Record-Keeping

Contractors and subcontractors have a few critical responsibilities under the Davis Bacon Act. They are required to pay their laborers no less than the prevailing wage rates and fringe benefits as determined by the Department of Labor. They must submit signed weekly certified payroll records to demonstrate adherence to these wage requirements. Any violation of these requirements could result in serious implications, including withholding contract payments and legal penalties. By adhering to these obligations, contractors and subcontractors contribute to a fair and equitable construction industry.

Contractors and subcontractors must also keep accurate records, including records of their workers' addresses, telephone numbers, email, actual hours worked in each classification, and actual wages paid. Contractors and subcontractors must maintain these records for at least three years after completion of all work under the prime contract—which could be well over three years after a subcontractor’s work is complete. These records are subject to review by government agencies to verify compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act.

How does the Davis Bacon Act affect prevailing wage determinations in different states?

Prevailing wage rates vary across states and localities and are based on wage surveys, local data, and market conditions, ensuring that workers receive fair compensation for their labor. The act allows for state-specific determinations, which may be influenced by state and local wage laws. Compliance with these wage rates is essential, and contractors must adhere to the prevailing wage determinations to avoid penalties and maintain eligibility for federal contracts.

Impact and Controversies

The Davis-Bacon Act has had a lasting impact on the labor landscape in the United States, both positive and contentious.

Positive Impact

Worker Protection: The Act has successfully protected construction workers from substandard wages and working conditions on federally funded projects. It ensures that laborers receive fair compensation for their work, reducing the risk of exploitation. The amended DBA regulations include a new anti-retaliation provision to protect workers who assert their rights under DBA. 

Quality and Safety: By promoting registered apprenticeship programs and enforcing work conditions, the Davis-Bacon Act contributes to a safer and more skilled workforce, enhancing the quality of construction projects.

Local Economic Stimulus: The act's requirement to pay prevailing wages in local areas has been seen as a way to stimulate local economies. Workers receiving fair wages are more likely to spend in their communities, potentially boosting economic development.

According to a report by the Economic Policy Institute, the appreciation of real wages in construction between 1931 and 1969 can be attributed to policies like the Davis Bacon Act. Further, a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research showed that repeal of the Act would decrease construction workers' wages by 0.3 to 5.2 percent.


Cost of Construction: Critics argue that the Davis-Bacon Act drives up the cost of construction on federally funded projects. They claim that prevailing wage rates are often higher than what would naturally be paid in the local market, leading to higher project costs.

According to the Associated Builders and Contractors, this new regulation slaps a 7.2% surcharge, amounting to an eye-watering $21 billion burden on U.S. taxpayers annually.

Complex Compliance: Complying with the Davis-Bacon Act's regulations can be complex and burdensome, especially for smaller contractors who need more resources to navigate the paperwork and reporting requirements effectively. The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy commented that the new DBA regulations “may have the unintended consequence of discouraging small businesses from participating in federal construction contracts.”

Discrepancies in Wage Determination: There have been concerns regarding the accuracy of prevailing wage determinations, which can sometimes lag behind market rates or fail to adequately reflect the differences in wages between urban and rural areas.

The Davis Bacon Act has been a significant component in the shaping of the construction industry and federal contracts landscape. The fact that it’s still relevant and crucial almost a century after its inception speaks volumes about its impact. Notwithstanding the Act's criticisms and challenges, it continues to be a potent tool to prevent lowballing practices, ensuring workers earn a fair and appropriate wage for their work. 

In a broader sense, the Davis Bacon Act underscores the importance of fair compensation in ensuring economic justice and maintaining the health of the construction industry and, by extension, our nation’s infrastructure. Much like the buildings and structures it influences, the Davis Bacon Act stands robust, a testament to the enduring power of fair labor legislation.

Practical Tips for Contractors

Dan Ramish, the government contracts and construction attorney for Haynes Boone gives some practical tips for contractors who wish to apply for Federal projects.

  1. Contractors need to be vigilant about Davis-Bacon requirements on federal construction projects, even before the start of the project. They should consider the effects of prevailing wage and fringe benefit requirements on pricing when bidding on federal jobs.
  2. Contractors need to review the Davis Bacon contract clauses used, as one of the Federal Acquisition Regulation clauses, 52.222-30 Construction Wage Rate Requirements-Price Adjustment (None or Separately Specified Method), prohibits price adjustments when wages and benefits are increased on the contract (such as when an option is exercised). 
  3. DBA clauses appearing in government contracts in the near term may be unfamiliar and may require additional review by a legal counsel because the recent final rule instructs procuring agencies to use DOL’s clauses until the FAR clauses are amended to conform to the regulatory updates.
  4. General contractors and upper-tier subcontractors must ensure DBA requirements (including both clauses and wage determinations) flow down to subcontractors at all tiers and ensure that subcontractors comply.
  5. Prime contractors are liable for back wages and other payments to subcontractor workers if subcontractors fail to pay in accordance with DBA, and under the recent amendments, upper-tier subcontractors may also be liable to the extent they are found responsible for lower-tier subcontractor Davis-Bacon violations. 
  6. Contractors must take care to properly classify laborers and mechanics, to record all hours worked, and to properly record hours worked for each classification, especially when individuals work in two or more classifications during a day.
  7. Workers must be paid full prevailing wages and fringe benefits for all hours worked, including overtime.
  8. Covered workers must be paid weekly, and accurate certified payrolls must be submitted each week. 
  9. A Davis-Bacon poster and the applicable wage determinations must be displayed at the job site in a prominent and accessible place to inform workers of their rights.

With all signs pointing to heightened enforcement of these and other Davis-Bacon requirements in the wake of the recent update to the implementing regulations, it is critical that construction contractors adhere to these rules.

Davis-Bacon compliance can be technical and complex, from administration and calculation of fringe benefits to determinations of what work and workers are covered, to labor classifications. Federal construction contractors should plan ahead and do their homework to ensure they meet their Davis-Bacon obligations.

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“In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear.”
Oleg Pravdin
Head of Product

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Mi tincidunt elit, id quisque ligula ac diam, amet. Vel etiam suspendisse morbi eleifend faucibus eget vestibulum felis. Dictum quis montes, sit sit. Tellus aliquam enim urna, etiam. Mauris posuere vulputate arcu amet, vitae nisi, tellus tincidunt. At feugiat sapien varius id.

Eget quis mi enim, leo lacinia pharetra, semper. Eget in volutpat mollis at volutpat lectus velit, sed auctor. Porttitor fames arcu quis fusce augue enim. Quis at habitant diam at. Suscipit tristique risus, at donec. In turpis vel et quam imperdiet. Ipsum molestie aliquet sodales id est ac volutpat.

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Mi tincidunt elit, id quisque ligula ac diam, amet. Vel etiam suspendisse morbi eleifend faucibus eget vestibulum felis. Dictum quis montes, sit sit. Tellus aliquam enim urna, etiam. Mauris posuere vulputate arcu amet, vitae nisi, tellus tincidunt. At feugiat sapien varius id.

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